Artisans & Stone Craftsmen MARCO JETTE LLC Est. 1999
Definition of Soapstone: soapstone A massive talc with a “soapy”
feel, used for hearths, tabletops, chemical resistant
laboratory tops, stove facings, and
cladding; known for its stain proof
characteristics. Classified in ASTM C119 as
part of the green stone group.

Soap Stone & Sinks
Soap Stone Sinks are have beautiful soft tones of green & gray which darken with use over time! Soap Stone having been an abundant natural resource along the Appalachian Mountains during the early colonial years of the United States was easily quarried by stone craftsmen and shaped into sink counter top applications. From a design perspective, if you like a more conservative, traditional look for your home than Soap Stone is the natural stone product for you!